
All posts for the month October, 2012

Hearts go out

Published October 29, 2012 by beeainspiration


So I have to say this picture is fake…. It’s an amazing picture none the less, so please forgive me for posting a fake wonderful pic!!

I found this amazing picture of God’s work and Mother Nature, it’s the most destructive force and yet so fascinating to look at, I’ve got friends who live in Jersey and I haven’t paid enough attention to the news to know exactly where this storm is at. What I do know is that my heart and prayers go out to those who are witnessing this amazing force of nature! I have a hard enough time living on the west coast with earthquakes, I don’t like them and they can be very destructive, but to see a huge storm coming at you like this is something I’ve never seen before… I think it’s amazing and fascinating as I’ve said like three times already!! Lol! I know that people have these things happen to see the aftermath of things like Katrina and now we have Sandy attacking our east coast. All one can do is try to be very prepared for its path of possible destruction and also be willing to listen to our authorities that tell people get out of there.


Then I see a picture like this of these wonderful soldiers who are standing at the unknown soldiers tomb to make sure it stays guarded. Those are the real heroes of our lives when they are willing to stand there rain or shine, day or night, snow or sleet. Those soldiers who are standing there now, all I can do is say thank you. It’s weird to think of these men (and women I think) that do this see this as the highest honor they can ever receive in the army. They have chosen to stay out in the rain, the cold, the snow, the heat, and the nice days to be with the unknown that are buried there. They are choosing a life of two long years living in the barracks underneath they tomb area, and they are making. But they are some of the best people in the world to stay there especially when there is a hurricane, throwing trees, cars and lord knows what else at them!


And then you see pictures like this that just make you laugh in the middle of all seriousness!! There was a cation on this that said view from upper Eastside, 26th floor. I’m always surprised people have humor sometimes! These people are mind-boggling sometimes that they have such a generous sense of humor and are willing to share it with the world! And in their time of need, the people over there are living some of their nightmares, while others have gotten themselves out of town. Keep your prayers and your good thoughts with them all!

20% of proceeds will go to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy!
Please let me know how you’d like to help!!

Click here to make a purchase

Celebrating Life!

Published October 28, 2012 by beeainspiration


Today is a day of celebrations!!! Little does my boyfriend know how much thought and time has gone into tonight for him… I’m so excited! I had a hard time going to sleep last night because of it!!! He is the love of my life!!! My boyfriend is amazing, wonderful, and he is my sunshine!!! I’ve been sneaking around this week with his mom… It’s been so hard because I lied to him about no I was with yesterday… And it’s even funnier that his mom was lying also to cover up what we did, since we went and made him a cake Friday at this new place that Duff Goldman opened in West Hollywood called Duff’s Cakemix!!! It was so much fun!!! Here’s our result!!


It’s not perfect by any means but it was so much fun to do!!! We had such a wonderful time and got to spend seem girl time too! I know his mom hasn’t had a lot of girl time because she had boys! Lol! I love my boyfriend and I love his family! They are good people! They are so much fun! And they except me as I am… Which is one of the most amazing things in the world! Accepting yourself can be the hardest thing in the world and it feels so good when someone else completely accepts you!!!


Being happy, bright, carefree, loving yourself and life, is a wonderful thing that you can do… It takes time and that time is now. When else are you going to live your life brightly and love the one you’re with?? When else are you going to take life by the horns and say I’m doing this whether you like it or not!! I really ask these things more to myself then anyone else… I’m not living my life to the fullest, I’m not doing what I need to do to grab onto my life… But to celebrate life is something we all do everyday whether you realize it or not. Everyday we all wake up to the sun, or clouds, or rain, or the darkness in the early morning. Everyday is a blessing!

Check out my Mary Kay page!!

Help me reach my goals with Mary Kay!! 25% off all purchases thru Tuesday Oct 30

Create Your Dreams

Published October 25, 2012 by beeainspiration


I love what this says about dreams, creating a dream is one of the hardest things ever! You have to figure out what your dream is, you have to find out how to make your dreams come. There are so many choices we can make in life, there are so many dreams that we all have… Life is an amazing journey that we all take, while we figure out the best life for us. And the best way to live our life with our dreams coming true! When you can have a dream then you can make things happen, and have it become a dream job…


These five things are such easy things to think and such hard things to do… Betting on yourself can be redundant, when you believe in yourself your betting on yourself to succeed. Leading your life is a hard thing to do, when you expect to just accept and go along with life, you’re not living your dreams. If you don’t love what you do then you’re not doing what you love… Loving what you do is so important, if you can’t love what you do then you’re not fulfilling your dreams. Comparing you’re self to someone else is one of the most hurtful things we can do to ourselves. I see the girls who are doing more then I am with my Mary Kay, and succeeding more then I am. Then I compare myself to them and what I’m not doing yet and it gets me down. I know comparing myself to them doesn’t do anything for me, but it doesn’t mean I don’t do it all the time. Believing in the future, that’s an amazing thing we can do, when others don’t understand us and what our dreams may hold.


I don’t know about you, but I believe in magic of life and the magic of dreams! I know my dreams haven’t come true yet, my wedding, my kids, my house, my making Mary Kay work for me so I can be home and it won’t be a problem. I dream about making enough money to pay for our rent a few times a year, even half the year would be wonderful!!! And that would take so much pressure off my boyfriend and his feelings for money. It would just help life in general, I know money doesn’t buy you happiness, but it can give you options.

Help me with my dreams and click on the link below.

Check it out

Overcoming Sorrow

Published October 17, 2012 by beeainspiration

So this week it’s been hard for me to write in my blog here. I think I have finally figured out why. This weekend my boyfriend and I are going out to dinner with his mom and brother (whom I love dearly) at the same time we are celebrating someone who was important to us all. It’s going to be lots of fun I’m sure but it’s also going to be hard to do since this is the first birthday that we are going to have without him. Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you and throwing things in your way when you don’t expect it. I’m excited to celebrate, but at the same time I’m not excited. Losing someone is one of the hardest things to do.

There are many times I think of this person that we all lost. I’ve got one of my favorite pictures that has all of us in it. I love that picture and it was the last time we were all together. I don’t usually get so nostalgic about these things, it’s an amazing feeling when I can. I miss him. I loved him. I talked to his brother today and it’s so fun that I’ve gotten this connection I didn’t know that I would. I love it! It’s amazing how much of my boyfriends family has come into my life. I never really thought about how many he’s got in his family. I don’t know how we all survived our lose but we did, and we all move forward but we are all remembering this weekend.

So I know that this picture has a question mark after it but I think it should be an exclamation mark instead. Thinking about how much I miss someone is an easy thing to do and also a hard thing to do. Life isn’t the same after that special someone isn’t here anymore. Sometimes though that person can have an impact in your life that you never knew they did. I was excepted and loved, there was no question about it. I was cared for and I felt the very same about him. When I heard the news I was crushed, it was kind of sudden but at the same time it wasn’t. Life is different without this man in our lives. I know that he might not have realized how important he was. But I am sure he knows now. I know that God has a funny way of blessing us and taking care of us, sometimes the impact people have in our lives is a special message from God Himself. But the love that we all feel for our man who was lost will always be there. And the love that he felt for all of us I hope we always feel.

The grief we feel will always be apart of us, we moved forward, and we remember who he was when he was taken away from us to be in a better place. Life moves forward and the ones that we’ve all lost through life are still with us. Remembering the good and the bad, but always remembering the best part of that special person in our life that was so dear to us!

I’m Being Me

Published October 11, 2012 by beeainspiration

There are so many people who live in their own little worlds, and looking at this saying it’s so true about some of us girls… I know I love to live in my own little fairytale. In my head I live in the best fairytale ever! I know that it’s not always perfect and there are always problems that seem to arise. I’m always fighting the evil queen or the evil witch that comes out when least expected. There are so many things that run through my head, and then I’ve got to listen to my heart and remember who is there to love me and rescue me from myself sometimes. My boyfriend is my Prince Phillip, for those of you who don’t know it’s Sleeping Beauty’s prince, my boyfriend loves me and takes care of me. My family also rescues me and saves me too, they are just always there for me.

I just had to share this picture, one day when I’ve got my act together I’m going to have a picture taken of me like this! I want this so badly! I just love the sentiment of it all, the glitter, glitz, and the glam! It’s just an amazing picture that I want to replicate! I’ll have to ask my wonderful friends who take pictures to help me get this one done! It just says so much without saying anything! It’s fantasy! To me it says hope, fun, extraordinary, flashy and just lots of joy! Everyone that I know could always use some extra joy in their lives! I love to be happy, joyful, and singing at the top of my lungs when I am happy beyond all get out! LOL! Life has a funny way of showing you happy and sad, then giving you back you’re happy!

Sometimes even though your getting to where you want to be, the most rewarding part is getting there! Like making cookies the cookie dough is always the best part of the cookie making process. I don’t care what anyone says it’s the truth! I love the cookie dough and the labor that goes into making it, is its own reward. To make cookie dough you need to have all the right ingredients to have them taste right, and you always have to sample what you make so that you can make sure they taste right. It’s like if you mix up the baking power with baking soda (maybe it’s the other way around) but you get what I mean. Those cookies won’t be eaten! They just get shot down the trash can!

What I was saying above I don’t want to just throw myself away and there are times I feel like I am because I know I’m not living up to my full potential right now. Especially with my Mary Kay work that I need to, and want to be doing. I love what I do when I’m doing my Mary Kay I know that being accountable to myself and to my accountability partner is a big step in getting things moving and it’s a scary thought that I can do this amazing thing and be an inspiration that I want to be to other women. But I know to be happy with me I need to be me, I need to push myself, I need to engage people to make their lives better!

Be amazing, be yourself! Make the choice to live better and get into Mary Kay! Click the pic above to check it out! ❤


Published October 10, 2012 by beeainspiration

I need to super-size my life! I have to stop procrastinating and move forward with everything! I want to be proud of myself, I want to make my boyfriend proud of me. I want my family to be proud of me… I don’t know if I need recognition for everything I do, but I know that I love to have recognition if I can get it. I know what I need to do to succeed but it’s a scary thought to be successful, and scary not to be successful. It’s kinda a catch twenty-two, I want to be successful but I also know that I need to work my ass off to get myself taken care of and make the money I want to!

Being myself isn’t always an easy thing to do, I’ve learned over the years to get better and better at being myself. Everyone is good at being their-selves if they just put their minds to it. I love when I can be myself and have fun and just live. Sometimes its scares me to live though, some people it seems don’t think about how scary it can be to be yourself. And yet being myself isn’t as hard as believing in myself. It’s not an easy thing to move forward and just believe you can do it. What’s the last thing you did that you believed you could do it and you did! I remember quitting my job and knowing I could make it with Mary Kay. I know I can make it, I just have to believe I can.

I look at this quote by Reba and I think I have all of those things inside of me, how do i find them?  I have a wishbone, I have a lot of wishes and dreams that haven’t come true yet. I have a backbone, I’ve stood up to people who were wrong more then I can remember. I have a funny-bone, I sometimes don’t realize I have it but I do, it’s not until I say something and everyone laughs that I realize there’s my funny-bone! If I could just move all of those things together I could do what I want to and what I need to get myself going. Reba has always been one of the best women I know to look up too. She has lived through and survived so much more then one person ever could. I can thank my father for introducing me to her music. She’s a country girl who made her dreams come true.

Again I fall to Cinderella, Click the pic above to live your dreams like I am trying to do! Mary Kay has a special this month of $75 to join and start your Cinderella dreams!

Amazing Family

Published October 7, 2012 by beeainspiration

Family means

1. a. A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children. b. Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.  2. All the members of a household under one roof.  3. A group of persons sharing common ancestry.   4. Lineage, especially distinguished lineage. 5. A locally independent organized crime unit. 6. a. A group of like things; a class. b. A group of individuals derived from a common stock: the family of human beings. 7. Biology A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below an order and above a genus. A family usually consists of several genera. 8. Linguistics A group of languages descended from the same parent language, such as the Indo-European language family. 9. Mathematics A set of functions or surfaces that can be generated by varying the parameters of a general equation. 10. Chemistry A group of elements with similar chemical properties. 11. Chemistry A vertical column in the periodic table of elements.  1. Of or having to do with a family: family problems.  2. Being suitable for a family: family movies.
So I looked up what family means and this is what I got! There’s so many things there! I never thought of family as anything but my mom, my father, my stepdad, my stepmom, my sisters, my brother, my boyfriend, his mom, his brother, my grandparents, and my best friends. My family is big and sometimes confusing to those who don’t know it. But the people in my life are a amazing! I love having my family around me! I forget sometimes how spoiled I am to have them all in my life! I was with my mom, dad, sisters, their husbands, and my grandparents this weekend. They are amazing and so much fun to be around! Both of my sisters got married last year and one of them had cupcakes at their reception, when the woman who made them put them out she noticed that one was missing… We all knew my grandfather had taken the cupcake cause he was sitting there “minding his own business” when one disappeared. My grandma didn’t believe that he had taken the one cupcake she was like I got him his cupcake and I looked at her and said that doesn’t mean it was his only cupcake! LOL! Grandma then looked at Grandpa and said did you take her cupcake before the wedding??? I’ve never seen grandpa so red and he was laughing and trying to eat at the same time! Grandpa finally admitted after almost a year that he stole the cupcake! And we all just about fell out of the chair laughing, Grandpa says I never thought anyone could embarrass me! It was great! My family is amazing! I love them!!
My family gives me strength to be myself and to believe in myself. My family loves and cares about me and what am I am doing in my life. I’ve been blessed to have the family I do. I know that there aren’t many people who are blessed like I am. I feel very sad for those who don’t get to appreciate the love and joy I’ve been given in my life. My family is a bright spot in my life! They always have been even though I know I haven’t always been the brightest person in theirs. They have chosen to love me and care for me and keep me in their lives!
One more thing check out the photo below and click on it to help fight for breast cancer!

Being Grateful

Published October 4, 2012 by beeainspiration

I’ve been struggling to be grateful for what I have, gratefulness isn’t hard when you think about all the things that I do have. I’ve got a wonderful family, an amazing boyfriend, an wonderful second family through my boyfriend, and amazing women that are in my life through Mary Kay! I’ve got a lovely apartment to live in, and I’ve got some great things around me. I’m grateful for everything that I have, including the life I grew up in, as much as I might complain to my mom or my dad about it, I had a life that can be considered better then some. I can’t complain much but I know I wasn’t an easy child for my mother.

I believe in myself to a certain extent, I know that if I put my mind to something I can do it. But it goes back to my obstacle of myself and when I don’t try to believe in myself then I don’t succeed. There are so many things to accomplish and to do in my life. I want to make so much more of myself and I know I’ve said this before. Just going and doing things is a hard thing to do for me, going on and on about things I want to do, I’ve got to know I can do them first before I do them. I’ve always been the kind of person that needs to know that I can do things before I do them.

Following your bliss is not an easy thing to do for everyone. I think I fear my bliss, I want to know that my bliss is really what I want it to be. How do you know what your bliss is? How do you find your bliss? I know that with my Mary Kay I love the product, I love the women that are apart of my life because of it. I know that there are things I want to do along with Mary Kay like some crafts that I’ve found that would be fun to do. I’ve got so many interests it almost feels like I’ve got adult ADD… I know I don’t and I think it can be diagnosed to much… But I know there are some who are really ADD… Ok sorry for my side note! LOL But back to the life that I want to build and to make… I want to make so much more out of my life. I’d like to have the money to pay for my rent so my boyfriend wouldn’t have to worry about it for the month! It’d be amazing to tell him that I was paying for rent this next month! I don’t know what he’s say or do. I think it might shock the hell outta him! LOL! And maybe I’d get a ring around my finger, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Life is funny it makes things so clear sometimes and sometimes its so difficult. I’m going to try to remember to be grateful every day for all that I have and all that I’m waiting to make in my life. 🙂

Click on the picture above to learn more about Mary Kay makeup!