
Published October 10, 2012 by beeainspiration

I need to super-size my life! I have to stop procrastinating and move forward with everything! I want to be proud of myself, I want to make my boyfriend proud of me. I want my family to be proud of me… I don’t know if I need recognition for everything I do, but I know that I love to have recognition if I can get it. I know what I need to do to succeed but it’s a scary thought to be successful, and scary not to be successful. It’s kinda a catch twenty-two, I want to be successful but I also know that I need to work my ass off to get myself taken care of and make the money I want to!

Being myself isn’t always an easy thing to do, I’ve learned over the years to get better and better at being myself. Everyone is good at being their-selves if they just put their minds to it. I love when I can be myself and have fun and just live. Sometimes its scares me to live though, some people it seems don’t think about how scary it can be to be yourself. And yet being myself isn’t as hard as believing in myself. It’s not an easy thing to move forward and just believe you can do it. What’s the last thing you did that you believed you could do it and you did! I remember quitting my job and knowing I could make it with Mary Kay. I know I can make it, I just have to believe I can.

I look at this quote by Reba and I think I have all of those things inside of me, how do i find them?  I have a wishbone, I have a lot of wishes and dreams that haven’t come true yet. I have a backbone, I’ve stood up to people who were wrong more then I can remember. I have a funny-bone, I sometimes don’t realize I have it but I do, it’s not until I say something and everyone laughs that I realize there’s my funny-bone! If I could just move all of those things together I could do what I want to and what I need to get myself going. Reba has always been one of the best women I know to look up too. She has lived through and survived so much more then one person ever could. I can thank my father for introducing me to her music. She’s a country girl who made her dreams come true.

Again I fall to Cinderella, Click the pic above to live your dreams like I am trying to do! Mary Kay has a special this month of $75 to join and start your Cinderella dreams!

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