
All posts tagged mother

Amazing Family

Published October 7, 2012 by beeainspiration

Family means

1. a. A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children. b. Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.  2. All the members of a household under one roof.  3. A group of persons sharing common ancestry.   4. Lineage, especially distinguished lineage. 5. A locally independent organized crime unit. 6. a. A group of like things; a class. b. A group of individuals derived from a common stock: the family of human beings. 7. Biology A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below an order and above a genus. A family usually consists of several genera. 8. Linguistics A group of languages descended from the same parent language, such as the Indo-European language family. 9. Mathematics A set of functions or surfaces that can be generated by varying the parameters of a general equation. 10. Chemistry A group of elements with similar chemical properties. 11. Chemistry A vertical column in the periodic table of elements.  1. Of or having to do with a family: family problems.  2. Being suitable for a family: family movies.
So I looked up what family means and this is what I got! There’s so many things there! I never thought of family as anything but my mom, my father, my stepdad, my stepmom, my sisters, my brother, my boyfriend, his mom, his brother, my grandparents, and my best friends. My family is big and sometimes confusing to those who don’t know it. But the people in my life are a amazing! I love having my family around me! I forget sometimes how spoiled I am to have them all in my life! I was with my mom, dad, sisters, their husbands, and my grandparents this weekend. They are amazing and so much fun to be around! Both of my sisters got married last year and one of them had cupcakes at their reception, when the woman who made them put them out she noticed that one was missing… We all knew my grandfather had taken the cupcake cause he was sitting there “minding his own business” when one disappeared. My grandma didn’t believe that he had taken the one cupcake she was like I got him his cupcake and I looked at her and said that doesn’t mean it was his only cupcake! LOL! Grandma then looked at Grandpa and said did you take her cupcake before the wedding??? I’ve never seen grandpa so red and he was laughing and trying to eat at the same time! Grandpa finally admitted after almost a year that he stole the cupcake! And we all just about fell out of the chair laughing, Grandpa says I never thought anyone could embarrass me! It was great! My family is amazing! I love them!!
My family gives me strength to be myself and to believe in myself. My family loves and cares about me and what am I am doing in my life. I’ve been blessed to have the family I do. I know that there aren’t many people who are blessed like I am. I feel very sad for those who don’t get to appreciate the love and joy I’ve been given in my life. My family is a bright spot in my life! They always have been even though I know I haven’t always been the brightest person in theirs. They have chosen to love me and care for me and keep me in their lives!
One more thing check out the photo below and click on it to help fight for breast cancer!


Published September 9, 2012 by beeainspiration


I’m doing my best to clear my mind in general, I have been blocked with trying to write in here with all the things I’ve felt this week. I’ve been struggling with getting my mind over that I can’t, my mom always told me that can’t means won’t, I can agree with my mom there, I can and I will. I try to make so many excuses of why I haven’t or why I can’t and the only thing that comes to me is my mind and thoughts. I have thought about it long and hard I have an opportunity to be at the fair this month and get my ass moving with the things I want to make and become in my Mary Kay, the month has just begun really. There is three weeks left in this month and so much to time to turn everything around and get moving. I’ve got to get can’t out of my head and make it I can.


This is so true in the business that I want to be in, I want to be my own boss, I want to believe that I can do what I say I am going to do, I want to be the one that friends can look up to and see what is going on, I want to be that person that anyone can look at and say there is something different about her, I want to reach my dreams and look out and see my future as a bright happy place. There is so much want and so much dreaming to be had. I dream about lots and I dream big, my dreams scare me and at the same time they don’t feel big enough sometimes! I’ve got life dreams of being married and being someones life, and someone’s love! I want to be a mother to my kids! I want to enjoy my life and look at my honey and say I’ll pay the rent this month! What an amazing feeling that would be! I dream and I dream big but somehow my dreams have always been that! My own life, my hold on my future, my moving forward and getting moving, my enjoying things that happen, and making all of my parents proud of me. I want all these things! Yet I hold myself back afraid to believe that I can do these things and make these things happen. Holding myself back doesn’t get my things done and doesn’t get my business where I want it to be. I hold on to those who are dear to me with all my might. I find that holding to tight though can push them away and that doesn’t help me to succeed.

My friend and leader put this up on facebook and it just spoke to my heart, my life doesn’t have a purpose by my own choosing. I haven’t made a choice to do my thing that I want to do to succeed with my business and my life! I make the choice to love my boyfriend everyday and he makes that especially easy! He is my love, my best friend and feels like my forever. I love being with him and I love the way he loves me but my purpose to succeed in my business hasn’t gotten me where I want to be because I’ve made the choice not to succeed in my business. My Mary Kay isn’t a hard business to work, I’ve just not worked it the way I wanted to and need to! I want a purpose and I want my dreams to be my purpose.  I can’t wait to succeed in life, in my business, to go further into my self growth then I ever have before. One day I’d love to write a book, I don’t know what about but someday I will. I guess that would be one of my dreams also! 🙂

This is my life now, I’m making my commitment to myself and to my dreams more then I’ve ever before! Click the pic check it out! 😉

Keep Moving Forward

Published September 3, 2012 by beeainspiration

Jumping into life isn’t always easy, but sometimes you have to dive in head first and not look back! When you look at life and see things differently and when you can look back on your life and don’t regret what your life has become then you know that you’re on you’re way!! When you’re running away from the things that you wanted to do, or waiting for the things you wanted to do to happen, and you realize they aren’t happening the way you want them too, maybe it’s time to get moving forward! Getting off my butt and getting moving is the best thing I can do for myself and for my life, I realize this and I realize that it won’t be easy, I’ve got to jump through my fears and shake them off. I need to get myself going and get my fears shaken off! I watched the Disney movie Meet the Robinsons it’s a great movie with a great message of keep moving forward! At the end of the movie they have a quote that’s by Walt Disney! I love it!

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long.

We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things…

and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

There are so many paths that we all can follow but when we follow the wrong ones, and we start going the wrong way. And then we have to backtrack and restart our journey, restarting can be a good thing though! You’ve learned from your mistakes of going the wrong way and you’ve moved forward to change the view in what you’ve started and made it something you can be proud of! That’s what I want to do is be proud of my life, and have my family and friends proud of my life! Mind you the movie Meet the Robinsons is about an inventor, but aren’t we all inventors at heart? As we invent our lives? As we reach to invent new ways to survive? As we move forward in the invention of what we are doing with our time… It’s just something to think about and dream about and read about. As much as you  dream, live, laugh, cry, sleep, jump for joy, you have to keep moving forward” there is nothing else that you can do but move forward, because if you stay where you are then you’re just sitting there like a bump on a log that floats down the river and goes over the waterfall at the end of the stream, where is can get destroyed when it goes over the waterfall and lands of the pile of rocks.

Then you can look at an image that is from Maldives, it looks like the most amazing place and in my head that is the place of my dreams! I’m trying to move forward so one of these days I will be in Maldives! In my dreams it’s an amazingly beautiful place!! One day I will be there!

This seems sometimes so true! There are moments that I feel like I’m drowning and not moving forward, struggling to stay afloat and not going anywhere. Personally I can swim very well, but when life holds you down you have to fight to get back up! Life is hard sometimes and when you struggle against the current you do end up so over tired because you’ve struggled too much! Going with the current is the best way to save your life, when you struggle to hard, and keep fighting is when you drown. Sometimes you have to relax into the current to struggle back to the top, and when you make it back to the top you can take that big breath of air that you’ve been waiting, and needing to take!

Life moves forward like it should and it always will the question is though, Am I and are you willing to go forward????


Published September 1, 2012 by beeainspiration

There comes a time in ones life when you have to make a decision of whether to give up or keep trying! And some of the decisions you make can be the best or the worst of your life! My decisions haven’t always been the best, I’ve moved out of state probably not the best choice I ever made, but it made me a stronger person and I learned a lot about myself as a person. But I do need to start working harder and get the things done that I want to do! Life isn’t easy and the harder you work the harder you can play and yet here I am just waiting for my life to start going and I’m not helping it to go!

Being lucky is a matter of opinion if you feel lucky then you will be lucky, it’s a thought that most people have they either think they have good luck or bad luck, but I don’t know if I believe in good or bad luck. I know because of my decisions I’ve made lately I haven’t had a great time with what I’ve wanted to accomplish! I feel like sometimes I have ADD but I know I don’t I just need to focus and keep my mind on the things that I need too focus on getting up and getting my MK going better and better so I can inspire people for real instead of just in my head! LOL

I know that I’m extremely blessed with the life that I have and the people who love me! Life is good when I sit and think about the many things I have, I have a roof over my head, I’ve got a wonderful family (that is huge! (well it seems that way! LOL)) I’ve got a wonderful boyfriend, and his family is wonderful also! They are the most amazing people I know my family! And then I have a fabulous friends who are the best I’ve ever had! There is so much to be thankful for!

They say that if you think good things then good things will find you, I don’t know how true that is but I do know that I try to do that but I don’t always have the action for those who know me to have them see that I’m doing something that I need and want to do. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to accomplish things that you never thought possible.

I’m trying to stay positive for life it’s self! I enjoy my life in general, I don’t expect lots from it although sometimes it feels like I expect to much from or for my life. I feel like the way things work doesn’t always work for me, but somehow they work for someone else. I get that things won’t always work for the same way for everyone and that’s why I am trying to stay positive about everything I do. When I don’t get the things done that I want to or need to get done is when I feel like I’ve failed and then I get down. But there is always one way to go up and that’s to just get your butt up and moving! So that is what I am going to try to do get my butt up and moving!

I want to be the best version of me that I can be! Hopefully I can get that done and make my family, boyfriend, and friends proud of me!

So in respect to getting moving with my MK more check out the sale I’m having for the weekend! Look for things you might want or need and let me know!